Student Handbook

The ATOM DAOM Student Handbook is the official publication containing ATOM’s policies and procedures governing DAOM students at the Institute, including, but not limited to, information on admissions, student conduct policies, program graduation requirements, satisfactory academic progress, student services, grading systems and other services and information of import to students. The Handbook is distributed to students following enrollment in the program.

Selected policies and policy summaries contained in the handbook are included in the catalog for the information of prospective students. For a complete set of policies, please refer to the DAOM Student Handbook. The complete ATOM Student Handbook is available on the ATOM website and by contacting the school administration.

Student Representatives

The Institute affords students a formal opportunity to provide input on matters respecting any aspect of academic life, procedure, ethics, professionalism, or behavior that impact students through Student Representatives. Representatives act as a liaison between the student body and the school administration and faculty. Two representatives are chosen from each class by consensus. Meetings are held regularly by the Student Association. The President of the Student Association serves as an ex-officio member of the ATOM Board of Directors without a vote.


The library at the Institute is open from 9 AM to 6:00 PM from Monday to Friday from 9 AM- 6 PM and from 1-5 PM on Saturday. There are more than 3000 books and professional journals as well as video and audio tapes and on-line network services in the ATOM library. Library holdings, (some in Chinese, some in English and some in both languages), cover an array of subjects from Traditional Chinese Medicine to Complementary/Alternative Medicine and the Western Medical Sciences. Students
are encouraged to use the reference materials and plan study sessions in the library.

Four computer stations equipped with Internet and Medline access and a copy machine are available for academic and research use in the Library study room. Wireless computer access is available throughout the campus building.

In addition to the ATOM library, all the students are eligible privileges to use the Broward County Main Library while they are enrolled as students at ATOM. This privilege provides access to an exceptionally large and varied library that includes biomedical texts, journals, and other learning resources.


The Institute’s Library staff assists students in placing special orders for books that are difficult to find, provided that all costs and postage fees are paid in advance


DAOM students may attend any of the special seminars conducted by visiting faculty and scholars that are periodically offered by the Institute at no cost. Students are also encouraged to attend other professional seminars offered by other AOM educational institutions and state and national acupuncture & Oriental medicine associations. Please note that attendance at seminars does not fulfill any ATOM DAOM program requirements.

Placement Resources

ATOM cannot, and does not, guarantee professional employment upon graduation from its programs. Students are, however, supported by the faculty and administration in their search for employment, and are encouraged to utilize the ATOM bulletin boards for posted employment and career opportunities and to network with licensed acupuncturists who attend these seminars..

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